San Giacomo Farmhouse has hosted for many years the horse show Cavalli a Confronto, a unique event in the Italian panorama, entirely dedicated to the selection of Italian quality horses, that can stand comparison with the European studbooks. Founded in 2001 by Renato Casiroli and a pool of expert breeders of sport horses, the show in its various editions has hosted a broad selection of foals, both weanlings and yearlings under two years. Thanks to the support and participation of some of the most famous European judges and personalities, such as Juan Carlo Garcia, Massimo Grossato, the Chimirri brothers, Arnaldo Bologni and Hans Horn, the Italian National Team Manager, the show Cavalli a Confronto has been able to attract in a short time a wide public of experts and horse-lovers. But the most important result is that many of the horses presented during the various editions of the event have often become top national champions. It is memorable the case of four two-year-old foals that after having reached the top five positions of Cavalli a Confronto show in 2005, managed to be the finalists of the 2006 Free Show Jumping Italian Championship in Verona. Furthermore, in 2007 the Performance Test UNIRE was awarded to two of these four champions.
The winners in the categories of colt and filly Foals in the 2006 Verona Show had already taken part in Cavalli a Confronto. We are referring to “Oro of Villagana” and “Ho Detto Sì of Ca’ San Giorgio”, that respectively won the 6 year old and the 4 year old championships in 2005. Many of the foals hosted in the nine editions of Cavalli a Confronto are now protagonists of high-level international competitions; from “Ladro di cuori di CSG”, one of the best horse in France, ridden by Eric Navet, to “Priscilla di Valmarina”, winner of the Italian Championship in 2006; from “Oro of V.”, winner of the 6 year Italian Championship in 2005, to “Suaviter”, then sold in Fences auction and now a stallion in Arabia.